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Bracelet "The Night" for broad wrist (Shungit S)

Bracelet "The Night" for broad wrist (Shungit S)


Bead size: 12mm

Shungite bracelet is not just a stylish natural jewelry that people wear to give the final touch. Accessories made of dull-black gems have a really exceptional power neither luxury nor glitter of the jewelry can be compared to.

Shungite bracelets are specially recommended for high pressure, neuralgic, muscular and articular pains, cardiac insufficiency, allergic diseases, sleep disorder and stresses. You can observe positive effect during the first days especially with the blood pressure changes and acute ailments and disorders. Your general state improves, pains and aches disappear while vivacity and emotional poise get back.

Absolutely healthy people can wear shungite bracelet as well for prophylactic purposes. Moreover, there is a well-known pulse-taking spot on the wrist: when getting in contact with it, the gems activate your self-realization abilities and increase your creative potential.

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