A2W Employment Support Services
A2W Custom-Made Mediation & Representation Services
A2W provides two services that have been thoroughly adapted for the application of use within the home and workplace. The mediation and representation services are available for the client to be their much-needed support mechanism that most, if not, all people are denied.

Mediation Service - One-to-One/Group Session
Our mediation service is not restricted to any particular situation or circumstance. Our mediation deal with public and private issues, from disputes with neighbours to contracts between small to large businesses. The mediation would preferably be held in a neutral area but it can be done in a recommended establishment agreed on by the parties involved. We provide essential documentation for the parties that will help them to fully understand what a mediation entails before actually entering an actual session.
Techniques of Mediation: There are primarily two different types of mediation techniques that will usually be utilised when organising a session with parties:
1. Face to Face: This type of session entails both parties having the session in the same room, communicating directly with each other and the mediator. It enables the parties to hear first hand from the opposite side or sides
2. Shuttling (Party to party): This type of session is when it is more conducive for the parties to be separated in different rooms. The mediator will move from room to room hearing both sides of the situation and professionally relaying back to each party what the other has said and decided.
Representation Service - Direct and Indirect Aid For All Employees
A2W has produced a unique service for all peoples that may come across problems within their workplace and living environment; this can range from disciplinary to unfair dismissals to problems with staff members and work colleagues. The application of A2W’s Representation is that it is positioned for all jobseekers and employees to receive legal, personalised aid that will thoroughly explore their case in detail.
A2W has two types of representation to offer to clients:
1. Direct: Direct representation is issued when clients need their case to be dealt with by A2W directly. That will entail any written or verbal correspondence and communication with the other party. It covers situations like meetings, disciplinary, hearings and other case-related issues.
2. Indirect: Indirect representation is used for clients that need consultancy, advice and guidance in whatever case they are in. A2W helps direct the client in getting a full understanding of their case thus knowing how to properly approach their case with more clarity and confidence.
The representation service will go through your contract that will governs how much involvement A2W can provide and depending on what your company allows. A2W will involve themselves either directly by representing their client in meetings, appointments and talks or indirectly by coordinating how the client should approach their case by preparing points, organising documentation and producing potential scenarios that will prepare them for their meeting.
Mediation Representation
online meetings & consultancy
Aid-2-Work can give our clients and customers online mediation sessions if a location or getting together is not possible. We believe that resolution is imperative so sessions can be set up through Skype. This will help in any inconvenience for both parties. For more info please just contact us
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